Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Pizza and French Fry

 In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story on ice. It can be an event on ice, a game on ice or a drink on ice. Go where the prompt leads you. Join in the fun at CarrotRanch.


French Fry!

French Fry!

"Yeah! I am getting the hang of it!" Sasha shouted with glee while raising her two hands to get the attention of her instructor who was quite a stretch away.

"Continue!" shouted the elated instructor from a distance, "but make sure your poles are on the ground when you make a wedge or move forward.

"Teaching always makes me crave for fast food!" murmured the instructor just as her beginner students were focussing on building their ski technique repertoire to become a more advanced skier courtesy the food that is favorite for all. 

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